“A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.” — Paul Klee

I love taking a line for a walk, and discovering some cool little thing that didn’t exist before.


Here’s what came from 30 days of exploring with no expectations…

"They set out to sea to pillage and plunder.  Forgot their goal & continue to wander."

"They set out to sea to pillage and plunder. Forgot their aim and continue to wander."


30 Days

What would happen if I made something every day for 30 days? Would it be good? Could I stick to it? (I made 3 video games over 5 years. So there was that.) But could I commit to doing something that promised nothing in return? These were a few of the questions I had when I set out on this 30-day experiment.

30 Characters

Initially, my goal was to create a character, say one or two words about ‘em, and call it a day. Ten days into the project, however, I felt like the characters were wanting longer stories.

That’s the beauty of “taking a line for a walk”. The results are always a surprise.

30 Stories

In the end, I’d made 30+ stories, a dozen poems, a handful of animatics for a short video series I’m entitling, “Terribly Terrible Tales” and can honestly say that this is some of the work I’m most proud of… and I didn’t get anything out of it but personal fulfillment… which is indeed worth something.


Half-baked ideas are a great place to start.


Other things that came out of this.

“Eye-Eye Captain”

“The Surprise”

“Thoughts of a Sea Turtle”